Emily Tirana

Emily Tirana

Disability Pride


Friday, September 23, All Day
Saturday, September 24, All Day
Sunday, September 25, All Day


125 W 14th Street (McBurney YMCA)


This installation work is dedicated to all disabled people in Ukraine and those disabled by war. The disability community has difficulty fleeing war and many civilians and soldiers become disabled from war. The chair celebrates mobility devices, disability and the need to be a visible part of society while also shedding light on issues the disability community faces. The collages use old photos of soldiers disabled from war to show disability representation and connections to today. The stories of disabled people are diverse, complex, and interconnected throughout history.

Emily Tironi is a disabled mixed media collage artist living in Cambridge, NY. Emily went to college for Media Arts and Disability Studies. Her education and personal experiences inform her work. Her work focuses on disability representation. In 2020, Emily had her first solo show.
