Iren Yu

Iren Yu

If Flowers Could Talk


Duration of Festival




A collection of photographs of wildflowers. With the titles it might not be hard to understand the intended purpose. Some might call it boring, Iren Yu calls it beauty. Just like humans. A reminder of gratefulness. They grow right in front of us, it’s just about consciously noticing, seeing and feeling from the right perspective in a fair light. Like life, it’s all about the tiniest details and appreciation for what’s right in front of us. Makes life richer in a way money could never afford, and no one can take it from you.

Iren is self-taught artist, from Oslo, Norway. Mainly working with photography, but also graphics, painting and writing. Surroundings, time and knowledge of the brain often inspires her work. A cerebral hemorrhage in her early teens, also made her become a fighter for human-rights later in life.


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